Never allow PCOS to conquer You.
Neither your body, your emotions nor your future.
Tame it, and control it and conquer it..
"Finally, it is the freedom that counts"
The Reversal Program
To control the problem, you need to see the problem as a whole, and solve it.
The solution lies in 4 steps- All steps are done through fitness and nutritional interventions, along with other lifestyle-based solutions, done within the walls of your home.
1. Breaking the vicious cycle
2. Reorganizing the interconnected hormonal balances back to normal
3. Correcting the existing symptoms like weight, depression etc.
4. Then, to make a maintenance plan for the long-term.
The first 3 points are together called as PCOS reversal.
Since PCOS is a lifestyle problem, and there is no known pill which can reverse PCOS, we use intensive lifestyle interventions for reversal and maintenance of the problem.
1. Breaking the vicious cycle
This is the first and crucial step.In PCOS, there will be a reciprocal augmentation of insulin and cortisol action. Unless we break it, there is no further progress. This is broken leading to the reduction of cortisol and subsequent reduction of insulin.
2. Reorganizing the interconnected hormonal balances back to normal
If the leptin function is normal, it is possible to correct the insulin resistance and restore the hormone levels back to normal. the Fasting and postprandial insulin levels should come back to normal.
3. Correcting the existing symptoms like weight, depression etc.
The next task is to reverse the abnormal symptoms. If the symptoms are very severe, drugs can be used temporarily to control. Once the patient is stable, reversal is attempted.
4. To make a maintenance plan for the long-term.
PCOS is a lifelong problem. Don"t be a fool to consider PCOS as a problem that will go off once you reach menopause. In fact, women need to be careful once they reach menopause since the risks of heart attacks and stroke are common after menopause.
PCOS related symptoms- 28 in number
In the course of reversal program.
In general, there is no treatment needed for the individual symptoms, however dramatic they may look. It much tempting to treat the pimples in the face by tetracycline antibiotics. It really works, but once you stops the antibiotic, the problem comes again and again.
Some of the PCOS related symptoms can cause permanent structural damage, which cannot be reversed at a later stage. These are mainly skeletal. One is the height problem. Some PCOS victims have slight growth retardation, especially when they get PCOS before puberty. If recognized early and prompt reversal is done, height can be caught back.
Changes in the face are the next problem. Since there is moon face, fat accumulation occurs in the face, and this fat pushes the cheek bones out. The teeth may be protruding, or the entire maxilla and mandible grow out. Once the shape change is established, nothing can be done except maxillofacial corrective surgeries.
Weight correction
Even though, traditionally, the weight is considered as the cause of PCOS by many, we believe that weight is only one symptom. However, we use advanced methods for weight reduction. We do not recommend any bariatric ( cutting a part of your stomach and intestine) or liposuction ( sucking out fat) as a treatment for PCOS, since we have better ways to reduce weight.
How to begin your self-controlled Online PCOS Reversal?
Contact our team for further informations.
Or Call +91-8593880096

PCOS reversal is the biologically correct solution.It controls PCOS through nutritional interventions, fitness interventions, chronobiological interventions and stress management.