PCOS is completely reversible, without drugs or surgery. PCOS reversal is the true fitness, lifestyle and nutritional program which can solve this illness.
PCOS is a serious illness
PCOS affects 5-10 % of all females. It is a complicated disease because there are many symptoms. One may have one or many symptoms. Unless there are cysts in the ovaries or irregular periods, many patients and many doctors never recognize the underlying PCOS issue. Instead, they simply treat the symptoms, which can be a migraine or depression etc. However, all these patients can develop serious complications.
Steplite PCOS Reversal is a lifestyle, fitness and nutritional protocol. It is dramatically quick and effective. All 28 symptoms disappear together without any drugs or surgery. It identifies the root causes of the PCOS problem and uses multiple lifestyle interventions to reverse them.
PCOS is not caused by the cysts in the ovary. There are no cysts in the majority of PCOS cases.
Most of the doctors and patients believe that PCOS is 'caused' by the cysts in the ovary. For decades, surgeons drilled the cysts or cut a part of ovaries to 'remove' the problem. This approach is wrong and unscientific because ovarian cysts are caused by the disease; not vice versa.
The Ovarian cysts are just like any other symptom. Moreover, there are no ovarian cysts in the majority (85%) of PCOS victims!. So do not drill ovaries!
True facts you should know about PCOS:-
It is a lifestyle disease with many causes. It can't be cured by a pill/ herb supplement/ surgery. So far, there is no specific drug invented for PCOS in medical science.
There are a lot of thin people with severe PCOS. Thin PCOS persons may need more weight to correct PCOS! PCOS is not caused by weight gain.Weight is only one problem of PCOS.
Neither a single exercise nor a single diet can solve it. PCOS needs complex interventions. Complete PCOS reversal is the reversal of all 28 symptoms together. That is what we do.
Many women consider PCOS only as an infertility problem. PCOS is a systemic disease with long lasting effects in the body. It causes a lot of serious problems in later life, including certain cancers.
Cysts in ovaries do not cause PCOS. Even if you remove ovaries, the disease will continue to exist.
true solution
One in 10 females have PCOS, but most of them never recognize it.
Conventional treatments are three:
All these treatments are unscientific and often harmful. The only scientific treatment, which comes somewhat near to real problem is the injection of Octreotide monthly, which is not a common treatment and which is not much studied widely.
Go to the page where the science behind PCOS is explained in detail.
Metformin-a diabetes drug
21 day (or 5 days) hormone pills for creating artificial bleeding
Drilling of ovaries or cutting a part of it.
A lot of symptomatic treatments for each symptom, forgetting that the symptoms are part of PCOS.
antidepressants for depression or anger
painkillers and antidepressants for migraines
ointments for black neck
painkillers and steroids for muscle pain, joint pain
multivitamins for hair loss
PCOS Reversal is the ultimate solution, which is scientific and biologic. What is PCOS reversal?
In any lifestyle disease, the altered balances (metabolic and hormonal) in your body will reach a new fixed position. The body will accept this altered balance (we technically call it as altered homeostasis). In PCOS, your body somehow gets the signals to alter the balances, and then stay in that imbalance.
To correct this we need 3 steps. This is applicable for all lifestyle illnesses.
One- To unlock the imbalance and set a new balance. This is the fundamental principle in any lifestyle disease including PCOS. This is the reversal step.
Two- Make changes in the lifestyle. This can maintain the newly designed balance.
Three- Correcting the excess weight, if any.
If you are a medical person or a researcher, and If you really want to know the scientific basis for reversal and the pathophysiological mechanism PCOS development, read further.
Go to the reversal page

Know your problem well, because even most of the doctors don't know much about this illness.
In other words, be your own expert!

Infertility and PCOS
PCOS is the most common cause of infertility. Even though procedures like IVF, etc do not cure PCOS, patients try all available methods like IVF and other hormone treatments as the solution, which can often fail.
The true treatment for PCOS related infertility is the correction of PCOS itself.

"No more irregular periods.
No more hair loss..
I lost my problem weight..
I am happy and fit now."
The PCOS reversal is the true fitness and nutritional program which has solved my long lasting sufferings.
There are 28 symptoms or problems you can have as a PCOS victim. The symptoms are 4 categories.To know more about the PCOS problem, go to the disease page.

Complications are important in PCOS. It may just be a nuisance today, but it can become endometrial or ovarian cancer tomorrow.
Go to complications page to know more..